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Bhopal, February 22:  The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to impose a ban on highly addictive online game Player Unknown Battle Ground, popularly known as PUBG. The decision has been taken keeping the upcoming Board exams in mind, said reports. PUBG Violence on the Rise? The Link between Video Games and Aggression Explained.

Madhya Pradesh home minister Bala Bachchan and law minister PC Sharma said that the decision to ban PUBG will be taken soon. The ministers said that a large number of complaints, mostly from parents, have been received on the matter. PUBG Addiction Fallout: Man Stabs Sister's Fiance in Kalyan For Damaging Mobile Phone Charger.

The state of Maharashtra and Gujarat are also planning to ban PUBG, while states like Tamil Nadu, Goa, Jammu and Kashmir have put a limited ban on the game, where it's not allowed in certain institutions and organisations.

PUBG has been gaining attention in India also due to reports of addiction among the school kids and college students. Recently, the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) termed a number of games 'harmful' for kids. PUBG, Fortnite Unstoppable! Despite PM Modi’s Advice, Online Games Likely to Remain Hit Among Indian Youth.

The DCPCR listed video and online games such as PUBG, Fortnite, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, Hitman, Plague Inc and Pokemon and said these games make a negative impact and have an adverse effect on the brain of children. 'PUBG Wala Hai Kya?' PM Narendra Modi Quips at Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 On Question Around Online Games Being a Distraction; Watch Video.

Recently, during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Pariksha Pe Charcha 2.0 interaction, a concerned mother had asked the Prime Minister for solution for her kid's addiction to PUBG game. The Prime Minister had replied asking, "Ye PUBG wala hai kya (Is this about PUBG)?" The reply made the entire gathering at the Talkatora Stadium break into laughter and netizens were quite amused on Twitter that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was aware about PUBG.

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