
Bhopal: ‘We can’t check spa centres on regular basis’

Bhopal: The district police have not chalked out any plan for targeting sex rackets that thrive in the Spa centers operating in the city. The recent raids on three Spa centers in a single day had rattled the racketeers but the action was halted with the arrest of few men and women including four foreign national girls.
The city has over 90 Spa centers where number of women employees is between 4 and 10. Most of the women employees are from outside and live in rented accommodation but the police hardly bothered to verify or track their records. The other reason for hiring of manpower from outside is the fact that trained professionals for Spa are hard to find in the city.
On the top of that, even when these Spa centers fail to inform local police station about the foreign nationals working there, the police does not take action until they are caught. It is only when a raid is carried out the things come to the fore and few persons are arrested.
Social activists believe that at places where such complaints have arrived, police should keep a regular vigil to ensure these things are in control. Arun Gurtu, a retired director general of police said that the police should ensure regular vigil in these centers to see if the ones who are working there are from the city or from outside.
He said that the areas where such raids have been carried out should under the cop’s eyes and if the centers are found to be using foreign nationals without informing local police station, action should be taken. Inspector general of police (IG) Bhopal Jaideep Prasad says that raids are carried out when we receive information but we can’t check spa centers on regular basis.
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