
foods for high blood pressure control foods for high blood pressure


Garlic has always been recognized as a magical food with the ability to also leave a nasty smell on your breath.it can help to reduce systolic blood pressure which in turn would outweigh the smelly problem it may cause


Lemon juice help to keep the blood vessels flexible and soft.by removing the rigidity from the blood vessels the blood pressure levels will come down. You can lower your chance of complete heart failure by consuming lemon juice on a regular basic


Bananas have been proven to reduce your chance of a stroke by 40% which is great news. However, it has also been proven that those who eat two bananas a day for entire week can lower their blood pressure by 10%


b>Fenugreek seed lower
blood pressure level due to their high level of potassium. Potassium binds with salt and remove it from the body which will lower blood pressure boil two teaspoons of fenugreek seed in one cup of water for two or three minutes then strain. Place the boiled seeds in your blender and mix until it form a paste. Separate the paste into two portions and consume one portion each consume one portion each morning and the other in the evening. This might take 8 weeks before your begin to get result.


Cocoa is also very good at lowering blood pressure. It is the raw cocoa that has all the benefits. Don’t confuse raw cocoa with chocolate. They will not have the same result.

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