
All diabetics should definitely eat, these 5 fruits

At present, there are 425 million people - 42.5 crores suffering from diabetes worldwide. About 72.9 million cases of diabetes appeared in India in 2017 Diabetes is called the condition when blood sugar level is high. People with diabetes are advised to take special care of their diet. It is also advisable that they eat more fruits. Because fruits contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which are helpful in managing diabetes.

1. Guava - 100 gm guava contains 68 calories. Guava is considered to be one of the oldest fruits. In 2011, India was the largest producer of guava. Vitamin C is quite good in Guava. Which is considered to be very good for skin, guava is very helpful in keeping blood sugar in control.

All diabetics should definitely eat, these 5 fruits

2. Kiwi-Kiwi food is also helpful in controlling blood sugar levels. It completely prevents blood sugar or glucose from growing, sour and delicious fruit kiwis can prove to be very helpful in diabetes.

3. Apples - Apples can be very helpful in managing diabetes, both of which contain soluble and insoluble fibres in apples, which are helpful in keeping blood sugar levels in control.

4. Orange - Orange is considered as a superfood for diabetic patients, as well as in orange and lemon, etc. contains plenty of fibre, vitamin C, folate and potassium, which provides relief in diabetes.

5. Peach- Every 100 grams of peaches have 1.6 grams of fibre, fibre is helpful in keeping blood sugar in control.

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