
In another page,

In another page, she said: “I thought everything will be fine when I reach Kerala. Like everybody, I had a lot of dreams and aspirations before and after the wedding. I considered Justin to be somebody who understood and fulfilled my wishes. When I left for the Gulf after the wedding and came to his house, Justin did not even give me Rs 100 for myself. I am surviving with the money that Papa and Mummy gave me. Justy is behaving completely different.”
“When I spoke to him before the wedding, I thought there would be no better person than him in this world. Now, only sadness remain in my life. I am tired of my life... tired,” she wrote.
“There is nobody with whom I can share my sorrows or who will understand them. I feel loneliness… always alone. One needs some happiness to cherish in life. I have not received that yet. I have a lot to write, but I am unable to do so. I am holding on for the sake of my child. I have not been fortunate to get a life that I always dreamt of. A loving husband and family have not been destined for me. They removed the mask of decency soon after the wedding. I don't have a reason to be happy. This life is going ahead aimlessly, like a boat. I don't desire much. I just need a husband who will love me, care for me and give me his attention. But, I am not receiving a portion of the love I am giving him,” another entry said.
She also mentions how her in-laws treated her. “My mother-in-law is a sadist. I am not liking Justin’s mother’s questions and talks. Maybe if anything happens to me, no one (will) reveal the reality... What's happening in my life… none knows the reality...what I face day-to-day in my life after marriage now,” wrote Analiya.
Fearing for her life, Anliya even left a note for her then unborn child.
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