
Get rid of this herb if cancer is given to the disease

Get rid of this herb if cancer is given to the disease

 New Delhi. Most people today suffer from cancer or other deadly diseases. The reason for this can be lax lifestyle and misery. To get rid of this, the herb named Manjit is very beneficial. It helps in cleaning blood and removing the infection etc.

1. Madan is also known as Manjit. There are plenty of anti-oxidants found in this. It is very useful for the treatment of colorectal cancer. To prevent cancer bacteria from spreading in the body, take four teaspoons of powder daily.

2. There is an element named Phalasarpi in the Mangusta. It helps in increasing fertility. By taking this, the difficulties in becoming a mother are far away.

3. Mulchishta works as a natural blood purifier. Hence it provides relief from eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation (dermatitis) and herpes.

4. Mumps is the best way to clean pancreas, spleen, liver and kidney. The digestive system works properly with its regular intake.

5. Boil the bark of the mint in water and drink its decoction, it is beneficial in mouth ulcer. It also destroys mouth-formed bacteria.

6. Regular intake of mint powders, irregularity of periods, excessive bleeding or other problems are overcome.

7. Do not mix blood clots with blood clots. It also benefits the tumour.
8. It corrects the body's immune system. By which the infection does not occur. It helps in keeping the body healthy.

9. Boil the bark of the Tannishtha by boiling it in water, it reduces weight. Metabolism is faster than this. Thereby excess fat is frozen in the body.

10. Myelin has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mixing powder of coconut oil in the affected area will get rid of the herpes problem.
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