
Best Foods To Help You Lose Weight While In Quarantine

Best Foods To Help You Lose Weight While In Quarantine
Best Foods To Help You Lose Weight While In Quarantine Planning your weight loss goals while on home quarantine? Then it is good to know that the food you eat plays a role in shedding unwanted weight off your body -- and also in decreasing your chances of getting infected by the COVID-19 coronavirus. All the workouts you have been doing at this point may have little effect if not coupled with the right food to add to your diet. 

Even in the middle of a global pandemic that has caused you and millions of others to stay at home, it is important to remember that the food you eat matters just as much as the amount of calories you burned through exercise. And to prove it, here are the following foods that will help you lose weight while on home quarantine: 

Best Foods To Help You Lose Weight While In Quarantine

Eating half a cup of grapefruit before a meal has been found to help you lose unwanted pounds. 

This also applies if you opt to drink a serving of its juice three times a day. The secret lies in the fruit's phytochemicals that can reduce your insulin levels, stimulating your body to convert calories into energy rather than storing them as fat.


As an immunity and metabolism-boosting spice, cinnamon is a great choice because it has many health benefits. It aids in weight loss by controlling post-meal insulin spikes, reducing your feeling of hunger. And you do not even need to consume a lot of it to get its benefits. 

Studies have shown that only a quarter teaspoon is needed daily to lower your blood sugar, triglyceride and cholesterol levels. 


Chili peppers add some heat to your weight loss diet. Studies have shown that eating chilies as part of your breakfast can make you opt for a smaller lunch. Chilies themselves contain capsaicin, which has appetite-suppressing properties. 

Fennel Tea 

Fennel tea is packed with magnesium, potassium and calcium as well as vitamins B and C. It also aids in weight loss -- specifically, it suppresses your appetite and also boosts your metabolism, both of which can help you lose unwanted pounds. 

Baby Spinach 

Low calorie salads packed with greens such as baby spinach can help you lose weight and adds to your daily veggie intake. The sheer volume of a salad is enough to make you feel so full you do not go all out once you start a main meal. Remember to put only small to moderate amounts of dressings since these contain added sugars. Alternatively, you can sprinkle your salad with more natural options such as olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

 Green Tea 
Best Foods To Help You Lose Weight While In Quarantine

Green tea is loaded with health and well-being-boosting benefits, including those for weight loss. In fact, a study published on the Journal of Nutrition found that drinking five cups of green tea daily can help reduce twice the weight on your midsection. 


Eating celery helps burn more calories than what your body can take on consuming it. Celery also has high nutritional value. Specifically, it is packed with fiber (good for digestion) and folate (which aids in cell growth and health). 


If you are a vegetarian or vegan, then you will find lentils to be excellent meat substitutes, giving you all the meaty goodness without the added calories and fat from actual meat. Like celery, lentils are packed with fiber and folate, which make you feel full while promoting healthy cell growth. 

Dark Chocolate 

While not low in calories and fat, dark chocolate is difficult to munch in high quantities compared to milk chocolate and is also packed with health-promoting antioxidants. It is a perfect choice if you want to strike a balance between your sweet cravings and your weight loss efforts. 


Known as the "mother grain" by ancient Peruvians, quinoa is a weight-loss-aiding grain that is high in protein, helping you feel fuller longer. Also, compared to carbs present in white rice or pasta, those in quinoa are slow to digest. 


Contrary to findings from older studies, eggs are thankfully not linked to heart disease. On the other hand, an egg-based breakfast together with a calorie-restricted, nutrient-balanced plan can lead to a loss of total body weight, which includes a 16 percent body fat loss, and reduction of body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference.

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