
iPhone Signal Booster - Does It Suck?


iPhone Signal Booster - Does It Suck?

 Do you know what I realize? I've been clapping wrong my whole life. I'm always trying to do, a Symmetrical clap like this, like a *Clap* But in reality, the much better clap is to angle it so that your hand hits the palm It's a thicker *Clap* So that's the real clap In case you were interested, Jack.

*Knocking the table*

 So today I'm gonna try to solve your problems And you got a lot of them I'm gonna start with this one now Cellphone signal, Who's not hurting for More signal, better signal, better reception Quick disclaimer, I have no idea if this thing gonna work But it claims to.

 So we're gonna find out if the 'Link case clear' is the solution to your problems, Or maybe... It sucks I got an iPhone here, I got the case. We're gonna see about the reception of the phone without the case And then with the case And We're gonna find out if this the real deal or not. 

No fancy contraption, You don't need power for it or anything It's just, it's got a weird kinda design going on it I mean, they say It's Patented technology. But One thing I wanna mention before we crack this open I sort of switched the way the iPhone displays its signal strength So normally you have those, those little dots at the top. You can change those dots to an actual numerical readout. Here's how you do it. 

On the keypad, dial *3001#12345#* Then you hit the call button You can get all kinds of data in here, Regarding your cellular connection On the iPhone, hold down the power,

 And then once you get to the power screen like this You wanna hit the home button, for about five seconds? And then you'll see what happens when I release, BOOM. 

So in this case I've got -114 The smaller the minus, bigger the better So like, -50, for example, would be good. -100, not so good, -114, not ideal at all. 

This would be similar to either one or two dots lit up. So not great signal strength where I'm sitting right now Which makes this the perfect location for this test. 

We're going to check if that -114 number goes up After I put the 'Link case clear' on to this device Is there English anywhere in here? I mean, What am I doing, What's going on right now To optimize your battery life, use EMW when accessing data or during calls And the signal enhancement is instantaneous However IOS might need some time to do.

display the change

 I'm still seeing -114 What happens Is when you lift it up And slide it, you'll notice it lines up (great observing lew.) With the antenna on the iPhone, it almost an extension of the phones built-in antenna oooh oh baby... we are now at minus 1 zero two jack do u see that? almost a 10 per cent improvement now obviously there are a number of parameters at play here it's not just signal strength its also... the signal tech like are u on LTE and so on and so on but none the less, 

for the most part, you see a better number up here a lower number up here you're in better shape what does it mean for data? what does it mean for voice? I'm gonna launch a speed test right now to find out so we'll do the speed test with the antenna extended and the case on first eight-point seven three MEGA bits per sec download and six-point six one megabits per second upload now keep in mind this is strict.

 The LTE network from in this case Rogers minus one zero two is the signal strength I'm gonna remove the case and do the same speed test so the CASE is off and I just discovered something kinda cool once you've enabled this you can jus TAP *tap* in the top corner and switch back to the little dots and then back and forth back to the speed test now and let's see how we compare eight point 33 megabits per second down 5.46 megabit per second up its slightly worse 8.73 to 8.33 and. 

6.61 to 5.46 is it incredibly substantial? no like this isn't gonna solve ya problem if you have no signal at all and if this is any kind of indication the improvement you could expect to see in an environment with a somewhat weak signal might be in the neighbour in 10% maybe a little bit more a little bit less it looks here from a preliminary perspective like it does do something I thought maybe it was all smoke and mirrors but, it DID do something so, the first step is do my little trick at the front of this video Check what kind of signal you have in the first place get rid of those little dots! and if you're constantly in a situation with a weak signal this could give you a little bump so no I can't say that sucks Maybe you'll hold on that one phone call just a little bit longer with the one you love who knows what this might do for you

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