
Plants That Treat High Blood Pressure To Know

Do you have a stressful work week? Do you eat junk? Do you smoke and drink? Then you can blame your lifestyle if you ever suffer high blood pressure. Actually, there are more than 49 plant extracts which are said to work well when it comes to bringing down blood pressure.Unless your lifestyle is changed, no plant can help you in bringing down the blood pressure. Healthy food, enough sleep and active life should also follow.Here are some plants that treat high blood pressure.
1.Celery: Celery juice is used by many people as a remedy to treat high blood pressure. In fact, the seeds of celery are found to be more effective in reducing high BP.
2.Oats: Oats are said to minimise both diastolic and systolic pressure. The fibre content in oats is good for your digestive system. It also brings down high BP.
3.Ginger: Ginger works by thinning your blood. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents. So, having a cup of ginger tea can also lower your high blood pressure.
4.Dark Chocolate: Dark chocolate contains cocoa. How does it help? Well, the cocoa flavanols are said to reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues and blood pressure.
5.Sesame: The oil of sesame seeds is said to contain sesamol and sesamin which are antioxidants. The vitamin E and sesamin in this oil are said to control blood pressure.
6.Radish: Consuming radish along with its leaves helps control high BP. It contains potassium that impacts the sodium levels in the body bringing down your BP.
7.Pomegranate: How can pomegranate juice help? Well, it contains polyphenolic antioxidants which are said to minimise the stiffness of the arteries.
8.Basil: Basil leaves contain a compound known as eugenol. Yes, it can lower blood pressure for a short span of time.
9.Moringa: It contains more potassium compared to bananas. How does it help? Well, potassium can bring down the sodium content and this will bring the blood pressure down.
10.Tomato: How tomatoes can help? Well, they have lycopene which can reduce bad cholesterol and lower high blood pressure.
11.Flaxseed: Flaxseed contains alpha-Linolenic acid. This fatty acid is said to lower blood pressure.
12.Garlic: If you are suffering from high systolic pressure, consuming a garlic can boost the production of nitric oxide and bring down the blood pressure. The allicin in garlic is surely medicinal.
These are the plants that treat high blood pressure.
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