
Three lesser known facts of turmeric

Turmeric spice that gives many Indian dishes such a rich gold color but it also has many health benefits. Turmeric has some truly wonderful health benefits but all are known to us. Therefore we bring you the four unknown benefits of Turmeric.
1. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory- The active ingredient in turmeric is something call curcumin, which is known for fighting inflammation and being full of antioxidants. The curcumin in turmeric fights inflammation at the molecular level, blocking a molecule called NF-kB, which is linked to many different inflammatory diseases like arthritis and IBD.
2. It helps with depression - Taking curcumin can actually boost BDNF levels back up over time and even reverse the damage. Higher serotonin and dopamine may also be side effects of taking curcumin.
3. Turmeric helps with digestion - Turmeric is an excellent aid for digestion because it already contains many of the minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory compounds you need to "help acid production. The curcumin in turmeric has many benefits which includes the muscle walls of the intestines relax, balances gut flora in the colon increases production of stomach mucous, eliminates cholesterol, prevents gas and bloating during digestion and relieves IBS symptoms.
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